Category: Voice Acting

  • Aisha Reads Anything – A Poem by a Friend

    Gigi Guizado and I starred (yes, starred!) in “Dance Nation” together. We were adult women portraying adolescent dancers a la Dance Moms. As most castmates do, we friended and followed each other on the socials and I discovered her deeply personal poetry and photography in my daily feed. As I’m trying my hand at voice…

  • Aisha Reads Anything: A Short Story by a Friend

    I’ve known Romana Guillotte for yeaaaaaaars…since college when we met during an odd Valentine’s Day party at a mutual friend’s apartment. I think we sat around a circle reading excerpts from salacious romance novels? Long after that night, Romana got an MFA in Screenwriting and has had her short stories published all over the web.…

  • The Raven!

    The Raven!

    Most readings of the famous poem are by men, and they’re just straight-up narration. Not much acting, at all. My take was to act it out as if it were a monologue.