Tag: review
“Deeper and Deeper” Lyrical Analysis
There’s a cliché in writing classes about clichés – never use clichés! While it may be well and good to avoid what feels like cheating, and to come up with your own metaphors and similes, in songwriting, messing about with clichés can make a song more memorable, singable, and relatable. You have to know what…
I Went To: The Believer Debuts An Interactive Comic by Matt Huynh
On a lark, I decided to try to expand my experience with an evening screening of Matt Huynh’s “Cabramatta”, an interactive comic book. The piece was shown on the big-ish screen at Art Square Theatre (formerly Cockroach Theatre), hosted by the Black Mountain Institute and Believer Magazine.
REVIEW: Believer Festival 2018
April 13 and 14 was the Black Mountain Institutes “Believer Festival” 2018. I’d never heard of this nerdy festival. Had I known, I’d have snatched up my tickets long ago. If it weren’t for a friend’s Facebook post promoting the COMEDY night, I would have missed out. Where was all the promo BMI? I’m on…
App recommendation: Erol Singer’s Studio
Sometimes sitting at the piano to practice can be a drag – you can’t move around, you have to think about both your playing and your singing. While I still recommend having a keyboard to practice melodies and go deeper into technique, it’s also good to have a little freedom. Enter: Erol Singer’s Studio Although…